Monday, March 10, 2025

“We will be very happy if the cup happens in New Zealand”

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Swiss President Ernesto Fertrelli is the owner of the Alligator Red Bull Racing teamThe challenge for the 37th U.S. Cup to be held in 2024 was officially presented last week. He reaffirmed that they “would love to travel to New Zealand” and that they would be “very satisfied” if the next version was in Auckland.

“Whatever it is, the current champion is ready to travel anywhere, but the sooner we know about it, the better,” he added.

Winner of the US Cup in 2003 (Auckland) and 2007 (Valencia), where he lost to the American ‘Oracle’ in 2010. Copa returns to the United States after eleven years without ‘Alingi’.

In addition, it does this in conjunction with the Red Bull Racing Team and they have the technical expertise of one of the world-winning Formula One giants.

One of the cards that Fertrelli put on the table New Zealand senior sailor Brad Butterworth plays a key role in the team, Probably the same general director.

Butterworth, 62, born in De Awamudu, New Zealand, brings some ‘old-school’ values ​​to the latest ‘Alingi’ challenge. Winner of two trophies with New Zealand (1995 and 2000) and two trophies with Alingi (2003 and 2007).


Alingi Extreme Series

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Bertarelli agreed: “As Copa America watches the new generation evolve into a ‘foil’, it is time for ‘Alingi’ to return. I was impressed by the gigantic monoholes with ‘foils’ provided by the New Zealand team in the final edition of the trophy in Auckland.“.

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“This is the pure science of match racing; that is the tradition of the American Cup,” he said.

In 2003, using a change in the national rules regarding the team, Alingi hired Russell Gauts, the captain of the New Zealand team that had already won the US Cup for New Zealand in 1995 and 2000.

With the Gauts they signed with other excellent New Zealand sailors, Leading players such as Murray Jones, Curtis Plevet, Dean Phipps or Simon Daphne, New Zealand strategist Brad Butterworth and another American trophy player, Australian Grand Zimmer, joined as managing director and chief designer.

Now, the owner of ‘Alingi’ says he is comfortable with the new and stringent national rules introduced for this next edition, “now there are opportunities for sailors to compete in Switzerland, based on their success in other types of boats”.

There is a generation of Swiss sailors who were inspired by the victories of the ‘Alingi’ American Cup in 2003 and 2007, now is their time.“, Qualified.

The Swiss team’s plan now is to travel next year according to the rules and get the AC75 from the last edition, enhancing their knowledge in class.

Butterworth said, “You can follow the ‘Alingi Red Bull Racing’ cycling option (cyclists used by New Zealand in 2017 because the power of the legs is legal again”.

I think this is good for Switzerland. There are some of the best cyclists in this country who can power this boatThe New Zealand Navigator concluded.

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