Let the first stone be cast by those who did not eat snot when they were young. As disgusted as we are now as adults, the truth is that everyone (and I dare say “everyone” in the literal sense) has eaten some in their early years of life. Parents try to dissuade the little ones from the house by telling them “your nose piercing is going to get bigger” or phrases like that, but they don’t care. This action of eating mucus is known as mucous swallowing It has been registered as a behavioral disorder.
The Bogger It is a substance that is deposited in the nose and consists of water, mucin (a protein) and inorganic salts. The body secretes this compound to defend itself, as it performs the function of fortifying, moisturizing and lubricating the walls of the mucous membrane.
Is it harmful to health?
If you want your son or daughter to stop eating their snot and want to argue based on proven scientific arguments…I’m sorry, but it’s not the best option. Basically, because eating mucus It does not harm health. Moreover, quite the opposite: it can have benefits for the body.
a Research Made in 2015 based on mucus intake can be Benefits for your teeth. According to this study by Erica Shapiro Frenkel and Katharina Rebek, the mucus that makes up mucus can act as a protective barrier for your teeth, thus preventing tooth decay. “The main defense mechanism in all moist epithelial linings, such as the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs, is a layer of thick, moist mucus,” the study says.
Another study that looked at the benefits of mucus for the body was conducted by Friedrich Bechinger, a pulmonologist. According to the doctor, eating boogers is a way to help immune system. It is believed that mucus also contains viruses and bacteria that are trapped when breathing, so ingesting it would be a way to teach the body other viral samples it doesn’t know so that it knows how to react to them. It would be something like…a vaccine?
Therefore, the only inconvenience that eating mucus can cause is Nose irritation. If you scratch the walls of the nose, it can cause sores and cuts, and you can become infected due to the bacteria under your nails.
Therefore, scientists concluded that eating mucus in itself is not harmful to the body, as it has benefits on the level of immunity, but the bad thing is the act of picking the nose, because it can facilitate infection due to bacteria that accumulate on the fingers (especially children who tend to touch everything).
This information does not in any way replace a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in the case of illness and never self-medicate.
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