Sunday, March 9, 2025

What is prosopagnosia, a neurological disorder that makes it difficult to recognize faces?

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Research shows that 1%-5% of the population may be affected by face blindness. (Image caption)

the prosopagnosiabetter known as “Face blindness” also Face blindnessa neurological disorder that impairs the ability to recognize familiar or famous faces. Although this condition was historically thought to be rare, National Geographic He noted that recent research indicates that it may be more common than previously thought. The complexity and diversity of this condition make it a fascinating topic for both science and literature.

Prosopagnosia, derived from Greek terms com. prosopon (face) and paternal aunt (lack of knowledge), it is not about visual acuity or contrast sensitivity. Instead, it affects the brain’s ability to process and remember facial elements. People love science journalist Sadie Dingfelder They live with this condition. For her, getting to know someone she knows is a constant challenge.

Christopher M. Feeleyprofessor of neuroscience at University of Coloradoexplain to National Geographic It is a “disorder of higher visual function. People with this condition can see a visual image, but cannot recognize a face.”

A 2023 study published in the journal Shell He revealed that face blindness is not a separate category of people, but rather a condition that exists across a wide range of severity and symptoms. Depending on the criteria used, it affects 1% to 5% of adults.

There are two main ways to prosopagnosiaOne is hereditary (developed) and the other is acquired. The hereditary form can occur in entire families, as noted Sarah Patprofessor of psychology at Bournemouth University in it United kingdomInstead, the acquired form is usually the result of a brain injury or neurological disorder.

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People with Face blindness They often rely on context to recognize someone. For example, they are more likely to recognize their partner at home than in an unexpected public place, such as the supermarket. Joe DeGotiscognitive neurologist and co-director of Boston Attention and Learning LaboratoryHe explained, “More exposure to the infected person is needed Prosopagnosia Learn the face.”

Sadie Dingfelderwhose story has been told in various media, faces additional challenges such as imagination (Difficulty in forming mental images), severe weakness in autobiographical memory, and lack of depth perception. In his book do I know you?Explores how these circumstances affect her life and work as a journalist.

Difficulty in recognizing faces has a name and affects the population more than previously thought. (picture information)

Jason BartonProfessor of Neurology and Neuroscience at University of British ColumbiaHe pointed out that some people who suffer from Prosopagnosia You can see the differences in the faces if you look at the pictures carefully. In a 2023 study, researchers found that those people with face blindness They have poor functional and anatomical connectivity between the fusiform face area and other face recognition areas of the brain.

One notable aspect is that approximately one-third to half of people with autism spectrum disorder also have trouble recognizing faces. This may be because they tend to avoid eye contact.

People with face blindness often adapt their facial recognition strategies. According to Batty, people with the condition tend to focus on the mouth and lower face, while “super-recognizers” focus more on the nose and midpoint of the face.

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Dingfelder explained Science News How he adjusts his life: “You can’t take yourself seriously when you’re constantly making silly mistakes.” Despite the difficulties, she has learned to compensate by paying attention to contextual details and asking lots of questions, a skill essential to her work as a reporter.

Face blindness is a complex and often difficult to diagnose disorder that affects a large portion of the population. Although it presents significant challenges, many people with this condition find adaptive and creative ways to manage it in their daily lives.

Awareness and understanding of this disorder is crucial, not only for those affected, but also for society as a whole, to encourage broader inclusion and better understanding of diverse human experiences.

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