WhatsApp now has more than 3000 emojis on its platform and is still deciding to launch a new one with 107 more emojis. The originality of the application instant message When it comes to icon design, we know it well, but this time its suggestion will not leave anyone indifferent.
For those who complained about the lack of representation among the emojis for The WhatsApp A new bundle arrives that includes, among other things, a disco ball, a mouth nibbling, an X-ray, an ID card, a pregnant man, a lifesaver, a lotus flower, and even a face that melts.
WhatsApp has always been very original in its new emoji design
WhatsApp, a Meta-owned platform, started taking diversity in its token library seriously years ago. Differences in color and gender appeared on a lot of human emoji about three years ago.
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This new pack of 107 emoji, some of which caught the attention of users, is available for the original app on iOS and Android but it will not be possible to enjoy it on WhatsApp Web or Desktop yet. It looks like we’ll have to wait a few weeks for its launch to reach WhatsApp in all its forms.
This new pack of 107 emojis is available in the iOS and Android app
The most controversial new emoji that caught the attention of netizens was the pregnant man, hands making up a heart, a glass of spilled water and a melting face. To enjoy the new package, you simply have to update WhatsApp to version from Android App Store, Google Play Store, iPhone App Store or iOS AppStore.
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