Monday, March 10, 2025

Why the giant snail can affect the human brain

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The giant African snail, known as Lisschatina fulica, is wreaking havoc in Florida. Why is it dangerous to human health?

Did you know that there are a variety of snails capable of this Length up to 20 cm? Giant African ground snail also known as Lisakatina VulicaIt is one of the most dangerous invasive species in the world. Their ability to reproduce due to hermaphroditism means they can grow rapidly in a new ecosystem. In addition, the great diversity of its diet means that it can feed on more than 500 species of plants. Therefore, it has everything necessary to thrive in a particular area.

To the problem with the loss of certain animals and plants must be added additional inconvenience, and of course more serious. And solve this snail Include a whole series of parasitesAmong them, the rat lungworm should be highlighted. This agent is able to affect the central nervous system of a person and cause meningitis, as well as other diseases that can lead to the death of a person. Therefore, its control is necessary to avoid overpopulation.

As you enter new countries, control measures It has been perfected with the aim of controlling this plague. Giant snails have reached the United States and some states, such as Florida, are conducting important campaigns to prevent the accelerated growth of these animals. Here’s the current situation and why it could become so dangerous.

Giant snail in the United States, a problem that has become a reality

The first thing worth noting is the problem that this mollusk can generate in a person. These animals should always be handled with disposable gloves Avoid direct contact with slime. The infection can lead to nausea, vomiting, neck stiffness, eye problems, abnormal sensations in the arms and legs, and headaches due to infection with the pathogens that include it. In certain cases, this can lead to the death of the person.

alternative Lisakatina Vulica It is one of the invasive species that can cause the most damage to the ecosystem Its ability to destroy vegetation. Decaying organic matter is included in its diet, so the probability of the presence of dangerous parasites is very high. Thus, it is a problem that, in addition to breaking the food chain located in a particular place, becomes a problem for the community.

In Florida, an important advertising campaign is being carried out with the aim of alerting residents to the dangers of these mollusks, according to the portal Ars Technica. Florida Department of Agriculture Beware of seeing these snailsTherefore, precautions were taken above all for its spread and its danger to people.

One of the main problems associated with this snail is its ability to reproduce. Every year, this animal Can lay 1200 eggs every year, so its growth rate may be exponential. Therefore, when their presence in a particular area is revealed, a raid is carried out in order to capture as many members as possible.

Related topics: Sciences


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