Monday, March 10, 2025

“Without health there is nothing”

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“Without health there is nothing”

He is Huang Guangzhong, but he chose a Spanish name like Domingo, why Domingo?

When I came to Spain for the first time it was in 1993. They were very sad and very difficult years. Language, customs. everyone. There are many Chinese who take a name closer to the country: Antonio, Pepe, Juan… The name Domingo is usually a day, which is something that surprises us in China. But it's a beautiful name, for a happy day. In 1995, in Arganda del Duero, I was working with my uncle and I had to go to the doctor because I was very sick and had a fever. I went on Saturday and there was confusion because the doctor's name was also Domingo and I thought they wouldn't see me until the next day. Sunday is a day of free time, friends, family, parties… and it can't be all work. There are many Chinese people who see everything as work, work, work…but that's not life. It's not health. You have to work to live, not live to work.

How did you become an expert on mushrooms from the Sierra de Cordoba?

For health. It was Covid times. It's all very sad and very difficult for everyone. I know Chinese medicine, and I have walked across the Sierra in search of the herbs needed for family health: dandelion. I saw a man with a basket collecting mushrooms and I asked him: Are you also looking for dandelions? He said to me: No, chanterelle. She asked him to accompany him and… until now. When you look, walk and warm your body…that's what health really is. More and more we are learning more about mushrooms and fungi. This is the name of my YouTube channel: Setas Y Hongos, 500 videos and 2800 subscribers in 2 years. Cordoba has 14 edible species and is the best gift from the earth. Poplar, chanterelle, pheasant, bluefoot, umbrella, chanterelle, black ear mushroom… you have to know them, of course. Also, everything is green in the field, you hear the birds singing, and there are rock rose flowers in the spring…it is a painting. This world is sad because it lacks nature. Sometimes I practice Tai Chi among the oak trees. You don't even need music. Just birds singing. Just relax. It is health for the body and mind.

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He also teaches Tai Chi, right?

When I was young, my aunt taught me how to do Tai Chi. Everyone knows that Tai Chi is very beneficial for the body and mind. I teach my friends. They are all free.

I would like to learn.

Yes! Hello. It's health. Removes muscle pain and cleanses the mind. Like a cell phone that needs a program to clean itself, Tai Chi cleans the body. It is very good for men, women, youth, professionals, lawyers, judges, drivers and students. And for mobile technicians.

Because here's another thing: When did you start repairing cell phones?

That was in 2018. I learned this because I also cooperate with the China International Expo. I have traveled to China every year since 2013, helping entrepreneurs introduce products there. I also help the Chinese when they come to Cordoba to buy or sell. I am particularly interested in products that are beneficial to health and here oil, pork or wine are present.

Which by the way is very rich…

But it's also interesting because it's healthy. If you lose your health, you lose everything. Without health there is nothing.

Is the biggest danger to Cordoba that they will learn in China how to make olives and pork?

(laughs) Oh! China market is very big!

Does Cordoba sell well in China?

Yes, Migasa together with Hojiblanca has been exporting to China for many years. Like Covap, which has an office in Hong Kong. Young people are already eating everything in China, and they are learning more about Spanish culture. They don't just come to take pictures, they come to see the sights and look for products.

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You can stay young.

I am 53 years old. It's Tai Chi (laughs).

Where do you feel comfortable in the center?

In Cordoba everything is beautiful. It is a site that houses the most important culture (history) in the world. Mosque, courtyards. It's a very good life, there's not a lot of noise, and there's safety. I have spent many years as a court interpreter, and this is not Madrid or Barcelona. Here at noon you go out, have a drink, have a tapa, talk about life, go to the bar. This is living. People learn about their culture and history, which is an important thing to explain to young people.

What is the future of the world?

Health, peace, joy and happiness. War, no. This is madness. Presidents and rulers need a lot of Tai Chi to relax. I believe that Tai Chi can change the world. That's why I created the Mushrooms and Fungi channel. Mushroom hunting is like life, you never know what you'll find. But it doesn't matter what mushrooms are found, the important thing is to enjoy them all the way through life.

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