The Sabretooth War event saw two bloody deaths of beloved Wolverine characters
While Marvel series stories typically feature epic and deadly confrontations between heroes and villains, two deaths featured in the comic's latest volume. Wolverine (2020) They went one step further, turning out to be much bloodier and more terrifying. Than anything seen in the Marvel Universe in a long time.
And recently with the launch of issue No. 41 of the comic series WolverineThe event has started Sabertooth War“, “Wolverine's most violent story ever,” as described by Marvel, which, although it has not yet begun, has already shown Two brutal deaths of two characters very important to Wolverine. Below, we will tell you all the details about it, but you should know that this post Contains spoilers for Volume 41 of the comic Wolverine (2020)from Marvel.
The Sabretooth War event saw two brutal and bloody deaths in the current Wolverine comic series
Marvel announced two gruesome deaths at the start of the Sabretooth War event
Several months ago, in August last year, the Marvel series announced the upcoming launch of an event called Sabertooth Warin celebration of Wolverine's 50th anniversary In the Marvel Universe, which will consist of 10 parts, starting with issue #41 of their current comic series.
This event takes place in a shadow X fallwill feature Wolverine and Sabretooth facing off against each other, and although it has only barely begun, Sabretooth has already made a terrible move, cruelly torturing Wolverine with two character deaths..
Victor Creed recently escaped from the anti-mutant organization Orkis, Join a team of Sabretooth variantsAnd his leadership of the silent massacre of Krakoa's council because of the way they treated him.
In volume #41 of the comic book Wolverine (2020) shows how Sabretooth and his team are variants Wolverine's young colleague Kid Omega (Quentin Quire) is brutally murdered and cannibalized.But not only that, but also, on the night of Wolverine's birthday, His son Akihiro was horribly murderedHe later used his body parts to write “Happy Birthday” in the scene.
In connection with Quentin's death, Sabertooth's shapeshifter He appears before him in the form of Wolverine, attracting him enough to sink his claws into him and kill him.Which made the last thing the young man saw was Wolverine's face; Kid Omega is later transferred to other Sabretooth variants, who eat his corpse like cannibals.
Then, on the night of Logan's birthday, Sabretooth and his team approach the new X Force base in Antarctica, slaughter several refugees, and unleash A bloody battle with Akihiro ends with the latter's death. Perhaps the most horrific thing about this situation is what Creed will do next, and when Distort and arrange corpses to write “Happy Birthday” Wolverine finds it once he returns to base.
Marvel was certainly right when they said this would be “the most violent Wolverine story ever.”Since then, with just one issue, she has already delivered two brutal and gory deaths that were certainly devastating for Wolverine.
Taking into consideration that Sabertooth War It will consist of 10 parts This war between the two arch enemies has barely begunWe just have to wait for the next issue of the comic series to be released Wolverine To discover how Wolverine will deal with the loss of his loved ones, as well as… See how he will respond to this brutal Sabretooth attack.
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