Surely you have seen that your friends are sharing on their social networks a square full of empty spaces and others marked in yellow, gray and green. Well they are in Wordan entertaining game that not only allows you to think, but also to increase your vocabulary.
to be able to play It will be enough to enter the main Wordle website through this Link. As soon as you enter you will begin to put words, but first you will get a small tutorial. Do you want to learn more tricks? Here we tell you.
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Tricks to play words
What does grey, yellow and green mean?
When a letter in Wordle turns gray, it means that it is not among the word that you should detect. If it turns yellow, it means that the consonant or vowel is in the word, but it is in the wrong position. As long as it turns green, it means you’ve hit a vowel or a consonant and it’s in the correct order.

It begins with a word with several vowels
If you are thinking of a word with three vowels, it is best to put it at the beginning. This way you will be able to tell if you should use these vowels in the next step or not. For example: “game”.
Play multiple times a day
Although it is a traditional method, the only thing you need to do to get Wordle working again is to change the date of your mobile device. To do this, go to Settings, then find Date and time, and only then change the date to the next day. Now save the settings and refresh the Wordle page. With this you can play again.
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