Monday, March 10, 2025

World Day for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. Why is it celebrated on November 19 every year?

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At the initiative of the World Summit on Women, every November 19 World Day for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. It is one of the most dangerous forms of violence against girls and boys.

It is largely committed in the family and in the daily lives of children by people they trust. It is practiced through manipulation, submission, threats, revealing secrets and silencing, which generates feelings of fear, guilt and shame, which often lead to withdrawal. It causes gross violations of their rights and harms integrated development.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 13 boys experience or have been exposed to sexual abuse

According to UNICEF data, one in five girls and one in thirteen boys suffer or suffer from sexual abuse before they reach the age of 18. Of these cases, only 10% are reported, and for every thousand complaints, there is only one final ruling, perpetuating impunity in most cases. 90% of attackers are men. At the same time, it usually happens that when a boy or girl reports a case of abuse, his closest environment does not believe him, since the attackers are 75% people from the immediate family circle and 53% of attacks are committed in the homes of the victims.

How to prevent child sexual abuse

One of the main tools to prevent child sexual abuse is Comprehensive sexual educationthrough which forms of physical, emotional, and sexual care are worked with children, their families, teachers, and community leaders.

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At present, the system for protecting the rights of girls and boys faces serious difficulties in being able to deploy measures to prevent, promote and protect rights, which highlights the loss of comprehensive and specialized perspectives to address serious situations such as child sexual violence; Lack of professional assistance and services regarding intervention requirements and working conditions of child workers.

In the face of this scenario, it is necessary to promote specialized listening that can pay attention to what children say in their multiple languages ​​of expression. Adapts through understanding without bias and responds through careful preventative actions.


The presence of the Luring (Online Sexual Harassment and Assault), on the other hand, shows that sexual abuse does not always require physical contact to cause damage to children’s emotionality and subjectivity.


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