In this note you will find a test Widely The character you will like the most. and that is Guide Psychology can reveal whether you are a nice person. Yes really. Pay attention to the explanation we will give you here below.
To participate you don’t have to do anything special. You just have to answer a simple question: What do you see first in the picture? nothing else. as MDZ OnlineWhat you say will be crucial for you to know how you really are.
In the illustration that is already circulating in Facebook social networking site And in other social networks, there are two options: a cat and a cup of coffee. Since each alternative has a different meaning, we ask that you be honest when answering. If you lie, you are only deceiving yourself. You have already been warned!
viral test image

Psychological test answers
If the first thing you see in the picture is the cat, then you are a kind, caring, very kind person, and never judge. I chose not to argue. You only encounter when you see no other way out. You respect everyone’s opinion. You forgive easily. You don’t hold a grudge. You rarely make decisions without first consulting your family. Your loved ones are very important to you. You believe that people can change for the better.
If the first thing you see in the picture is a cup of coffee, then you are a scared person. The future scares you. You have no idea how to solve the unexpected. You don’t leave things to chance. You are very organized. Your eyes are on tomorrow, so do not enjoy the present.
What is a personality test?
Personality tests are questionnaires that are designed or created in order to assess an individual’s personality. In other words, it allows you to see what a person really looks like. Tests circulated on social networks generally consist of answering one question: What do you see first in the picture? The answer will let the user know how it is.
What is a viral challenge or psychological test?
Carl Gustav Jung He is one of the main characters of the first stage of psychoanalysis, and is also the founder of the school Analytical PsychologyIt is also called complex psychology and deep psychology. This is how Jung became famous as his studies and analyzes of dreams led to a greater understanding of people in a “psychic” state.
In his work, Psychological types, ‘develops his ideas about the existence of ‘two attitudes’ (Extraversion / introversion) and four “jobs”)thought / Feeling And feeling / gut instinct), refers for the first time to Itself as one of the goals of psychological development.
This is how he raised various psychological types that led him to study people who use personality tests as a basis or, as it is now known, viral challenges that when solving them allow you to learn more about yourself.
“Beeraholic. Friend of animals everywhere. Evil web scholar. Zombie maven.”