Monday, March 10, 2025

“You guys are going to make the internet cool and creative,” Lee Clow said at the premiere of a Chiat Day TBWA documentary.

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It was an incessant applause, even as the film was being shown that, mid-afternoon on Friday 23 June at the Théâtre Debussy at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, several hundred enthusiasts – the 1,068-seat room all sounded crowded – specialized companies vibrating to the rhythm of an inventive story No advertiser on the planet could be unfamiliar with it: The Chiat Day Agency, founded by Jay Chiat and Guy Day in 1968, transformed into the Chiat Day TBWA in 1995 and traversed, during the most successful part of its history, by attendance Illuminator to its chief creative director and most famous client: Lee Chloe and Steve Jobs, co-founder and Alma mater from Apple.

Feature film titled I am black generation A tribute to one of Apple’s flagship agency campaigns and running approximately 75 minutes, it was produced by Radical Media & Clowt Productions, directed by Alain Briere (Executive Creative Director of Mal for Good, LA) and produced by Jon Kamen (of Radical Media) and Lee Clowt himself. . It included tours through all eras of the agency, testimonials from champions, clients and colleagues and, as said, the sheer stardom of Creative Director Lee Clow and his amazing client Apple.

After the screening, Le Chloe, Suzanne Hoffmann—Historical General Creative Director of Wieden + Kennedy—starred with St. Mark’s Lion for this edition of the festival―and John Kamen and Alain Breyer took the stage, and there was a brief Q&A held with the audience and also with questions that came through an online form. At the time, Chloe said things like:
• “The Internet is in its infancy, I think you’re going to make it really big and creative.”
• “Just as Wieden + Kennedy became part of Nike, on Chiat Day we became part of Apple.”
• “Steve Jobs talked to us all the time about Apple advertising: we never had marketing directors or advertising directors or any layer of people between us and him, the relationship was completely direct and intimate.”

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I am black generation
Radical Media and Klute Productions
Director: Alain Brier
Executive Producers: John Kamen, Lee Chloe
Producers: Zara Duffy, Erika Auguste, Jennifer Golub
Photography: Jesse Green
Music: Beamon Maskin

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