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You need to know about the “Zero Covid” method which has been successfully adopted by New Zealand

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Modified February 16, 2021 at 5:48 pm, February 16, 2021 at 6:08 pm

Eliminate the virus rather than “live with it”. The numbers speak for themselves. According to the World Health Organization, New Zealand has condemned only 1,980 cases and 26 deaths since the appearance of Covit-19, Or 0.54 deaths per 100,000 population. Neighboring Australia has 28,900 cases and 909 deaths (3.56 deaths per 100,000 population). In contrast, the corona virus killed 81,393 people in France, or 124.7 per 100,000 population. Other model countries: Vietnam, with its 2,271 cases and 35 deaths, or Singapore, with 59,809 contaminants and 29 deaths (0.04 and 0.5 deaths per 100,000 population, respectively). What do they have in common? Everyone is demanding a “Zero Govt” strategy.

In these countries, governments have never sought to spread the virus, even at the lowest pollution rates, with the goal of saving as many lives as possible and returning to normal life. A very different approach from the one adopted by Europe and the United States. In France, the administrator argued that it was more necessary to “live with the virus” than to try to destroy it quickly, “flattening the curve” rather than suppressing it. This second approach refers to pollution below a threshold that does not lead to congestion in hospitals. This requires a “stop” style, pending treatment or a complete immunization of the population, to permanently change health restrictions.

Method: Strike hard and fast. In short, what does the “Zero Govt” strategy contain? This first involves going to a very low level of infection. New Zealand, for example, restrained itself on March 23 and closed its schools and non-essential businesses, while only a few dozen cases were registered daily. Then, several levers are implemented, with variations depending on the country.

  • Strict border control, Imposed with isolations for newcomers.
  • Very precise “test-track-isolation” system, Tracking applications, QR code systems and sometimes tracking backwards like in Japan.
  • Regionalized controls. The “green” areas where the virus has disappeared, the reopening of schools, shops or even restaurants, the recognition of meetings, etc., are returning to normal life.
  • Strong preventive measures against minor trauma. These countries do not hesitate to act quickly and vigorously domestically to end a source of redemption. For example, on February 12, Australia imposed a five-day lockdown in Melbourne after 13 English items were found in a hotel. In New Zealand, two million people in Auckland have been detained for the first two days since Monday after three cases were discovered.
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Calls in Europe. This approach attracts many scientists who argue for its acceptance in Europe. On Monday evening, 27 scientists entered The world And other European media Country, The Sdeddeustche Zeitung Or Republic “Aim for zero govt goal” “Clear way to reduce infection and at the same time overcome the infection”. In particular, it was signed by Antoine Flahot, director of the World Health Organization in Switzerland, and Karen Lacombe, an epidemiologist.

The debate with our neighbors is growing. On December 18, several scientists published in the journal The Lancet Article entitled “Pan-European Commitment to Reduce Epidemics Quickly and Prolonged”. A month later, a team of virologists, economists and other German experts called for a “no-govt” on January 18. From us, New Zealand archaeologist Michael Baker, the mastermind of the New Zealand strategy, co-authored an article on January 28. Guardian Entitled “All Countries Should Continue a Govt-19 Elimination Strategy”.

A changeable approach to France? Other scientists are skeptical about the possibility of moving the system to Europe.

  • Many of these states are small countries, island nations, or sparsely populated areas.. But there are counter-examples: Insularity does not help the UK, while the very high density of the individual does not prevent Vietnam from having the epidemic.
  • This strategy will involve integration at the European level To prevent imported cases and moving between “green” and “red” areas.
  • Methods of tracking and isolating are sometimes dictatorial and aggressive For privacy, just like in China. Again, there are opposite examples. In New Zealand, almost half of the people have downloaded the tracker app.
  • The introduction of a new more severe imprisonment can lead to side effects, Especially on the economy, social fabric and the mental health of the French.
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“It will be very difficult in Europe,” Archie Clements, an epidemiologist at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, told AFP. In more detail: “There are a number of reasons: the high mobility in Europe, the high population density of cities, the pro-European economy in cross-border travel and the fact that Europe is the main destination of travel.”

“Zero Covid is the best in theory, but I don’t think it’s possible in France or Europe,” said Mahmoud Surek, a pathologist who judges for his part. Parisian. It is not very democratic in countries with very specific geography, such as New Zealand, or in countries that have been accustomed and prepared for twenty years to fight this type of epidemic, especially in Asia. “

Practicalism or failure? “Zero Govt” supporters leaned to a second option. According to them, the socio-economic implications of such measures will be offset in the long run and it will be easier to survive than the current instability. “Living with the virus, what does it mean? The current situation is unacceptable, creating long-term uncertainty,” Martin McLean, a professor of public health at the London School of Hygiene, told AFP and tropical medicine.

Why it matters. For now, this method does not seem appropriate in France. In The worldOn Monday, Arnold Fontanet, an epidemiologist and member of the Scientific Council, raised the question: “It’s a bit far from the current arbitration. More interesting stuff.” But this debate should continue because it does not allow us to believe that the recession of the vaccine campaign will return to normal in the coming months. In addition, many supporters of the “Zero Govt” believe that the current fall in pollution in Europe marks the right time to initiate an integrated strategic shift at the European level.

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