Monday, March 10, 2025

You’ve been selected in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How to complete the story mission

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He chose you It’s story mission number twenty Marvel Spider-Man 2. On this page of our complete guide to Spider-Man 2 to PlayStation 5 We tell you How to complete the task And All you have to do.

How to start the main quest He’s Chosen You in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

To start the mission he has chosen you We have to go to the main quest marker on the Upper West Side as Peter once we’re done New suit. Once we reach the place, we enter through the sewers to start the mission.

We enter through the sewers to start the mission

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: He chose you

We start the mission in some sewers, where… We must follow Dr. Connors’ lead.

We have to move through the sewers

This is the first part of the mission It is a very linear section and has no lossBecause there is only one path available. We keep moving forward until we reach… Oscorp secret laboratory.

We arrive at Oscorp’s secret center in the sewers

here We can explore as we please Through the workbenches to learn more about the history of the game. But in any case, To advance yes or yes, we must interact with the “clean room” in the deepest part of the laboratory. Yes We press R3 (right stick) We’ll see some power cables that all go to the same place: This is where we should go.

We interact with the workplace “clean room”.

After the sequence, We will face Lizard in a boss fight.

We encounter the lizard – the first stage

During the The first instar Of fighting we have to Learn how the lizard moves and how it can attack us so you know exactly when to strike:

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  • the Bites The lizard must evade.
  • the Scratches with claws They can roadblock And we can Counter.
  • the Tail blows Must be evade.
  • Can Use Web Shooter to stun him Temporarily and Leave it open for strikes and combinations to generate concentration.
  • When we have Two bars of focus We can run auction Which It takes a lot of life.
  • We can use techniques and tools to stun the lizard and cause damage Little by little.
  • the Symbiote overload (L3 + R3) We are allowed to cause harm with impunity To the lizard.

As you see, The idea of ​​combat is to generate Focus and Symbiote Overload while avoiding Lizard attacks in order to perform finishers that take away a lot of health.. When we remove the first health bar we enter The second phase From fighting.

Finishing takes a lot of the life out of Lizard

Here he wins with a new attack: He climbs the walls and after a few seconds launches towards us; He should evade this. We should not attack him while he is standing on the wall otherwise he will attack us immediately unless we stun him first by throwing nets at him..

We encounter the lizard – the second stage

After defeating the second stage of the lizard, it will escape and we have to do that He chased him all over New York. During the chase There will be some scenes and some scenes Fast time events Which consists of pressing the button displayed on the screen at the right time.

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When the chase is over we’ll return to the sewers and… We will encounter the lizard again.

We encounter the lizard – the third stage

In the third level From fighting We did not see their strategy differing much regarding the second phaseSo You already know what to do. Once we defeat him, there will be a scene after which the mission will end.

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